silver metaphosphate

silver metaphosphate
метафосфат серебра
метафосфорнокислое серебро

English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "silver metaphosphate" в других словарях:

  • Dictionary of chemical formulas — This is a list of chemical compounds with chemical formulas and CAS numbers, indexed by formula. This complements alternative listings to be found at list of inorganic compounds, list of organic compounds and inorganic compounds by element. Table …   Wikipedia

  • Potassium — The major positive ion (cation) found inside of cells. The chemical notation for potassium is K+. The proper level of potassium is essential for normal cell function. An abnormal increase of potassium (hyperkalemia) or decrease of potassium… …   Medical dictionary

  • agricultural technology — Introduction       application of techniques to control the growth and harvesting of animal and vegetable products. Soil preparation       Mechanical processing of soil so that it is in the proper physical condition for planting is usually… …   Universalium

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